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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
02/12/17 Suicide Doug Raymer Sermon N/A Sun PM Suicide_2.12.17_PM.MP3
02/05/17 Drawing Closer to God, knowing it is real Doug Raymer Sermon N/A Sun AM Drawing_Closer_to_God_knowing_it_is_real_2.5.17_AM.MP3
02/05/17 Ignorance Doug Raymer Sermon N/A Sun PM Ignorance_2.5.17_PM.MP3
01/29/17 Buying Truth, Truth on Sale Today Doug Raymer Sermon N/A Sun AM Buying_Truth_Truth_on_Sale_Today_1.29.17_AM.MP3
01/29/17 More and more, becoming a better christian Doug Raymer Sermon N/A Sun PM More_and_more_becoming_a_better_christian_1.29.17_PM.MP3
01/22/17 Buying Truth, The Cost of Truth Doug Raymer Sermon N/A Sun AM Buying_Truth_The_Cost_of_Truth_1.22.17_AM.MP3
01/22/17 Psalm 119 Doug Raymer Sermon N/A Sun PM Psalm_119_1.22.17_PM.MP3
01/15/17 Buying Truth, It Exists and You Need It Doug Raymer Sermon N/A Sun AM Buying_Truth_It_Exists_and_You_Need_It_1.15.17_AM.MP3
01/15/17 Two Gardens Doug Raymer Sermon N/A Sun PM Two_Gardens_1.15.17_PM.MP3
01/08/17 The Narrow Way in the Sermon on the Mount Doug Raymer Sermon N/A Sun AM Narrow_Way_in_the_Sermon_on_the_Mount_1.8.17_AM.MP3
01/08/17 Is the Lord's Supper a Sacrament? Doug Raymer Sermon N/A Sun PM Is_the_Lords_Supper_a_Sacrament_1.8.17_PM.MP3
01/01/17 The Narrow Way, Striving to Enter Doug Raymer Sermon N/A Sun AM Narrow_Way_Striving_to_Enter_1.1.17_AM.MP3
01/01/17 The Hope of Dawn Doug Raymer Sermon N/A Sun PM The_Hope_of_Dawn_1.1.17_PM.MP3
12/18/16 Resolving Church Problems, Acts 6 Doug Raymer Sermon N/A Sun PM Resolving_Problems_in_the_Church.MP3
08/28/16 Motifs of the New Testament Doug Raymer Sermon Themes of the Bible Sun AM Motifs_of_the_New_Testament_August_27_2016_AM.MP3
08/28/16 God's Invitation Doug Raymer Sermon N/A Sun PM Gods_Invitation_August_27_2016_PM.MP3
08/21/16 Theme of the New Testament Doug Raymer Sermon Themes of the Bible Sun AM Theme_of_the_New_Testament_August_20_2016_AM.MP3
08/21/16 Encourage one another Doug Raymer Sermon N/A Sun PM Encouragement_August_20_2016_PM.MP3
08/14/16 House of God Doug Raymer Sermon N/A Sun PM House_of_God_August_13_2016_PM.MP3
08/07/16 Theme of the Old Testament Doug Raymer Sermon Themes of the Bible Sun AM Mans_Relationshio_with_God.mp3
08/07/16 Who Would You Rather Be? Doug Raymer Sermon N/A Sun PM Who_Would_You_Rather_Be.mp3
07/31/16 Falling Away Doug Raymer Sermon N/A Sun PM Falling_Away.mp3
07/24/16 Full Assurance Doug Raymer Sermon N/A Sun PM Full_Assurance.mp3
07/24/16 Habakkuk, Joy in Hope Doug Raymer Sermon Habakkuk Sun AM Habakkuk_Joy_in_Hope.mp3
07/17/16 The Future You Create David Smelcer Sermon N/A Sun PM The_Future_You_Create_David_Smelcer.mp3

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